Deep Stretch Yoga Flow 60 Min - Creative Flow |Mindful Steps | precise Instructions | Deep Relaxation | Level ★★

27,86 kr. DKK

A shoulder-opening class focuses on exercises and stretches designed to increase flexibility and mobility in the shoulder joints, alleviate tension, and improve overall posture. These classes often incorporate techniques from yoga, pilates, and physical therapy, targeting muscles such as the deltoids, trapezius, and rotator cuffs. By regularly attending shoulder-opening sessions, participants can experience relief from shoulder pain and stiffness, enhanced range of motion, and reduced risk of injuries. Moreover, improved shoulder mobility can positively impact daily activities and athletic performance, making it a beneficial practice for both general well-being and specific fitness goals.

Have a lovely practice on your mat! 🤩🧘🏼‍♂️🧘‍♀️